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The importance of regular school attendance cannot be over emphasized! A written excuse from the parent/legal guardian must accompany your child upon return to school.


The Parentlink messaging system will call you on any unverified absences.

Additional Information


The Clark County School District welcomes and encourages visits to schools by parents, other adult residents of the community, and interested educators.  In order for the educational program to continue undisturbed when visitors are present and to prevent the intrusion of disruptive persons into the schools, it is necessary to invoke visitor controls.  The administration has the authority to prohibit the entry of any person to a facility of this district or to expel any person when there is reason to believe the presence of such person would be inimical to the good order of the facility.  If such, an individual is authorized to request from the local law enforcement agency whatever assistance is required to remove the individual. Classroom observations require one day advance notice and approval of administration.  Visitors to Mitchell Elementary School are required to obtain a visitor's badge in the school office by providing a valid state I.D. when requesting access to the school campus.  School personnel will possess an employee I.D. badge.   In the interest of student safety, please alert school personnel should you encounter someone without a visitor's badge.

RAVE Review

Is there a teacher or staff member you would like to recognize for doing and great job? Simply click on the Rave picture below and you can submit their name for recognition.


A RAVE Review is an unsolicited special recognition that acknowledges a CCSD employee who has demonstrated a special effort, an outstanding job, a project of high quality workmanship and/or a caring and sensitive attitude. A RAVE Review is meant to acknowledge exemplary behavior or an example of going the extra mile.

Who can submit a RAVE Review?  Students, parents, teachers, administrators, coworkers, and all community members.

Additional Links

Student Release

Students who need to be released from the school during school hours must be released through the office.  Students may not be released from the classroom, and they may not leave school directly from the playground except upon regular school dismissal.  Picture ID matching the names listed on the student registration form will be required to release a student.  Please provide school office personnel updated information pertaining to child custody issues.  To avoid classroom disruption, please do not request that your child be released during the instructional day unless for a medical appointment or family emergency.

GATE Program

(Gifted and Talented Education)

Gifted and talented students are those identified through the use of valid multiple assessments/sources and found to have outstanding abilities and talents. They exhibit high performance capabilities in general intellectual functioning and/or possess academic aptitude in a specific area. Outstanding gifts and abilities are present in students from all cultures, across all economic strata and in all areas of human endeavor.


The testing process is on-going. Students may be referred any time during the school year. Interested parents or staff consult with the GATE Specialist or Principal to discuss the referral/identification process.


Students who qualified for a Gifted Program in another school district may be automatically eligible to receive services in the Clark County School District's Gifted and Talented Education Program.


Steps in the GATE Referral Process:


* The Referral Form (CCF-481) is completed

* Students are individually administered tests of general intellectual ability (verbal and non-verbal tests)

* State-mandated achievement test scores or prior semester report card grades and teacher and parent rating scales may be utilized in determining eligibility

* Parents are notified of eligibility determination (CCF-480)

Out-of-district tests need to meet the following criteria:


* Individually administered general intellectual ability test score at or above the 98th percentile

* A score below the 98th percentile requires the student to follow CCSD GATE identification procedures


Purpose of the GATE Progam:

* To promote excellence in academic performance and achievement

* To provide curriculum that enhances and extends concepts and allows students to move beyond traditional learning

* To provide support in the affective domain to assist students in bridging the gap between intellectual sophistication and emotional maturity

* To provide opportunities for gifted students to interact with other students who have similar cognitive abilities

* To provide a staff of highly qualified GATE Specialists with specialized skills in gifted education

* To provide ongoing collaboration and support for administrators and general education teachers


Please feel free to contact us or the Gifted Education Service at 702-799-8601 if you have any questions or would like additional information. 

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